Sunday, May 24, 2020

Problemas en las aduanas al entrar a Estados Unidos

Entrar en Estados Unidos no siempre es posible, aunque se tengan todos los documentos en regla. Y es que cuando un extranjero se presenta en las aduanas puede suceder que no se le permita entrar, por considerarlo inadmisible. Esto puede suceder no sà ³lo con extranjeros que intentan llegar al paà ­s usando pasaportes o visas falsas, sino tambià ©n con aquellos que cuentan con una visa và ¡lida sin expirar, o que viajan sin visa porque pertenecen a un paà ­s acogido al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Esto ocurre porque el oficial de Proteccià ³n de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir quià ©n entra a Estados Unidos y quià ©n no. Causas por las que se prohà ­be entrar en Estados Unidos Las causas son variadà ­simas y pueden ir desde que se ha intentado utilizar un pasaporte o una visa falsa a alegar ser ciudadano americano cuando no es verdad. O haber tenido una presencia ilegal con anterioridad, haber cometido delitos agravados o inmorales o ser un peligro para la seguridad del paà ­s. Incluso posesià ³n de marihuana por mà ¡s de 30 gramos para consumo personal. Tambià ©n es posible que la visa està © cancelada o revocada aunque su titular no lo sepa. Si sospecha que ese puede ser su caso, es recomendable obtener un rà ©cord de inmigracià ³n o si no tiene ni idea de cuà ¡l puede el problema. Y por supuesto que puede suceder que se niegue el ingreso a Estados Unidos porque el extranjero no està ¡ utilizando la visa correcta. Por ejemplo, pretende entrar con visa de turista para casarse. O quiere estudiar en el high school o en la universidad o en academia de inglà ©s pero pero llega sin visado si es de un paà ­s como Chile o Espaà ±a o tiene uno de turista.   Incluso circunstancias como ser una amenaza a la salud pà ºblica por padecer ciertas enfermedades o generar la sospecha en el oficial de la CBP de que se tiene la intencià ³n de violar la visa y quedarse en el paà ­s por mà ¡s tiempo del autorizado.   Para evaluar si existe un problema que convierte a una persona en inelegible para la visa que trae o en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos, el oficial migratorio realiza, como mà ­nimo una pregunta. Estos son 7 ejemplos tà ­picos. Y a continuacià ³n puede decidir permitir el ingreso, enviar a la persona a una segunda inspeccià ³n (el famoso cuartito) o decidir regresarlo. Quà © sucede cuando la CBP no permite la entrada Pueden ocurrir los siguientes escenarios: El extranjero es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como expedited removal. Sà ³lo en el caso de que se tenga una visa và ¡lida puede suceder que el oficial de aduanas prefiera que la decisià ³n final la tome un juez de inmigracià ³n. En este caso se entregarà ¡ una citacià ³n en una corte con jurisdiccià ³n en el lugar de destino final del extranjero. O tambià ©n puede suceder que se le conceda la oportunidad de retirar su peticià ³n para entrar a Estados Unidos. Es lo que se conocen inglà ©s como permission to withdraw his/her application for admission. Esta opcià ³n es mà ¡s ventajosa que la de la expulsià ³n inmediata. Hay que entender que retirar la peticià ³n para entrar no es un derecho, sino que es un privilegio que concede a su discrecià ³n el oficial de la CBP a cargo. Para concederla tendrà ¡ en cuenta distintos factores como que el extranjero no tiene intencià ³n de violar la ley, que la causa por la que es inadmisible es leve y puede ser subsanada y tambià ©n circunstancias humanitarias como su edad y salud. Si decide darle la oportunidad de retirar la peticià ³n para entrar en Estados Unidos entonces el oficial de inmigracià ³n completarà ¡ la forma I-275, que cancela la visa, y en la que se especifica claramente la causa de la inadmisibilidad. A esta forma se adjuntarà ¡ una declaracià ³n jurada del extranjero. Ademà ¡s se le explicarà ¡ quà © debe hacer para corregir el problema que en esa ocasià ³n ha impedido que pudiese entrar a Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, si la razà ³n es que fue condenado por un delito inmoral, se le dirà ¡ que debe rellenar la planilla  I-192 para subsanar este problema. Consecuencias de problemas graves en el control migratorio La persona que es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata no podrà ¡ regresar al paà ­s por un periodo de cinco aà ±os. Si desea regresar antes deberà ¡ pedir un perdà ³n o waiver que se concede en casos muy especà ­ficos. Por el contrario, el extranjero al que se le permite retirar su peticià ³n de entrada al paà ­s no se le prohibe regresar por ningà ºn periodo de tiempo ni tiene que pedir permiso previo para volver a intentar entrar. Lo que sà ­ es muy aconsejable es que analice la forma I-275 donde se especifica la causa de inadmisibilidad y que solucione ese problema antes de ponerse de nuevo en marcha hacia Estados Unidos.Y pedir una visa nueva, porque precisamente ese formulario cancelà ³ la que se tenà ­a. A tener en cuenta para los residentes permanentes Los residentes permanentes legales que pasen en el extranjero mà ¡s de un aà ±o sin contar con el debido permiso y luego intentan regresar al paà ­s usando su green card se encontrarà ¡n con que la CBP considerarà ¡ que han perdido su estatus de residentes. En estos se les permitirà ¡ abandonar voluntariamente su condicià ³n de titulares de una tarjeta de residencia legal rellenando el formulario I-407. Si asà ­ lo hacen, pierden la residencia. Si se oponen a ello, les serà ¡ entregada una nota para comparecer ante un juez de inmigracià ³n, que serà ¡ quien decida si pueden conservar su estatus o si lo han perdido definitivamente. Informacià ³n que puede interesar En la frontera o aeropuerto se puede solicitar asilo pero en la realidad està ¡ habiendo muchos problemas en los puntos de control migratorio en la frontera con Mà ©xico. Recordar que hay dos controles: el de inmigracià ³n y el de aduanas. No se debe  traer productos prohibidos y conviene estar enterado de regulaciones como la que gobierna cuà ¡nto alcohol se puede  llevar  y de cuà ¡nto dinero se puede  ingresar a Estados Unidos sin declarar. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples para despejar dudas Es altamente recomendable tomar este  quiz, trivial o test sobre visas  para asegurarte  de que sabes lo fundamental para obtener y conservar los visados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Main Ideas and Themes of Beowulf Essay - 1138 Words

Beowulf and Sir Gawain have many things in common. We will be discussing them later on, but their main similarity is that theyre both heroes. A hero is a person who must pass through a test and a battle (mental, spiritual or physical) to help someone else. He must be selfless, and act for others rather than himself. All societies have supported heroes, like the ancient Greeks Hercules and the modern day Spiderman. These are hero stereotypes, with supernatural powers. Heroes dont have to be stereotypes, but can be firemen, policemen or soldiers. Two famous heroes in ancient literature are Beowulf and Sir Gawain. Beowulf is about a guard who must destroy a destructive monster who has†¦show more content†¦Beowulfs test is to defeat the evil creature Grendel, protecting his hall and soldiers. Sir Gawains test is to resist temptation to steal a magic belt, and steal the masters wife! Even though both tests are different, Beowulfs test and Gawains test both test courage. The courage to take on a monster and the courage to resist stealing and keeping youre word! In the end, both succeeded, Grendel was killed, and sir Gawain received his blow, and stayed alive, but both had consequences. Beowulfs friends got killed, and later on Grendels mother attacks him, and sir Gawain had been given a cut to his neck, and lost his honor. The test the heroes have to face, is often put up by a villain, and both have their fair share of villains. In Beowulf the enemy is a dark monster, which eats human and has super-strength, enough to bend iron. In Sir Gawain, the apparent villain is the green knight, who challenges sir Gawain to a grueling beheading contest. After its head falls off, he is not harmed, so he has some weird magical qualities. Both have supernatural powers and striking appearances, but the difference is that in sir Gawain and the green knight, the green knight is just the master of the kingdom in disguise, testing the nobility of King Arthurs knights, and not a mortal enemy. The main difference in the two poems is theShow MoreRelatedGood vs. Evil Found in Beowulf807 Words   |  3 PagesGood vs. Evil Found in Beowulf In the story of Beowulf, there are many different themes found. Many people argue the main theme found in this story. This has been argued for a very long time and will go on for many more years to come. Although many themes in this story stick out and a main theme will never be accepted, one main theme is very noticeable in the story of Beowulf. The main theme found in Beowulf is good versus evil. Good versus evil is very easy to recognize. â€Å"Some peopleRead MoreTheme Of Chaos And Order In Beowulf834 Words   |  4 PagesChaos and Order in Beowulf The Epic of Beowulf is about many things, one could say. It involves changes of power, darkness and light, overcoming challenges, temptation and destruction, war, et cetera, et cetera. These themes, and many more, make up what are known as major and minor themes. Both are of equal importance to a story in its entirety; the difference being that major themes address the writer’s most significant ideas, while minor themes refer to an idea that appears only momentarily. ForRead MoreAn Assortment Of Heroism : Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1171 Words   |  5 PagesAn Assortment of Heroism Theme is essential to any great work of literature, and while the following are certainly very different tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Beowulf and The Dream of the Rood each have particularly strong themes of heroism, though, they each have their own distinct idea of what heroism is, their own flavor one might say. It is partly because of their strong themes and ideas that they are still well-known and read today. A story without a theme or real purpose has littleRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf1139 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Beowulf† is the oldest surviving poem in Old English Literature. It is an epic poem, which is a narrative poem typically revolving around heroism. The poem emphasizes repetitively on how Beowulf is a hero. He saves countless people from countless monsters, three of which are the main antagonists in the poem – a demon, the demon’s mother, and a dragon. But is saving innocent lives the only factor to justify and determine a per son’s heroism? Throughout the story of Beowulf, the author makes appealsRead MoreThe Themes Of Heroism In The Wander By Anglo-Saxon830 Words   |  4 PagesTo start of I selected Beowulf by Anglo-Saxon, the second text I chose was The Wander by Anglo-Saxon. The theme of Beowulf is heroism. Beowulf himself represents the heroic ideal because of his features, strength, and courage, but also because of his intelligence and honor. Beowulf is proud of his strength and great his honor. When Beowulf goes to Heorot, waiting for Grendel, he refuses to keep a weapon. He believes in himself that he can defeat the monster who has devoured many men without usingRead MoreThe Four Main Themes Of Beowulf1376 Words   |  6 PagesBeowulf, the oldest of the great long poems written in English, may have been composed more than twelve hundred years ago, in the first half of the eighteenth century, although some scholars would place it as late as the tenth century. After reading Beowulf many times, I was able to get to know the characters, as well as gain some insight of the many themes portrayed throughout the poem. The story of Beowulf is not the easiest to understand, and is also extremely complex. But, with that said, thisRead MoreEssay about Pagan Asp ects in Beowulf1573 Words   |  7 Pages Scholars have argued about the religious stance of the epic poem Beowulf for centuries. Although the man who put the poem down on paper, known as the Beowulf poet, was a devout Christian, the actual poem itself is pagan. There are many clues in the epic that lead us to this conclusion such as the numerous references to pagan symbols, namely the symbol of fate. Also, the central idea of revenge in the poem opposes the ideas of Christianity. The poem also contains many breaches of the Ten CommandmentsRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf740 Words   |  3 PagesThe theme of Beowulf is heroism. Beowulf himself represents the heroic ideal because of his features, strength, and courage, but also because of his intelligence and honor. Beowulf is proud of his strength and great his honor. When Beowulf goes to Heorot, waiting for Grendel, he refuses to keep a weapon. He believes in himself that he can defeat the monster who has devoured many men without using any weapons. It turns out that Beowulfs intelligent approach was right. Glory is also one of the themesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Wanderer 947 Words   |  4 Pagesmainly in the form of exile. Exile was a threat to Anglo-Saxons based off their poems, or songs, they wrote and sang. The themes of these poems were created, in some manner, to â€Å"scare† people to follow rules, therefore most were about exile. Just like fear, exile takes on many forms and can derive from many places. â€Å"The Wanderer,† is a Anglo-Saxon poem with a theme of exile. Exile in this poem comes to a man who has lost his lord and kinsmen in war. He was not exiled by punishment, butRead MoreCharacteristics Of Beowulf936 Words   |  4 Pagesand time they reside. As people change and develop so do their cultural ideas. Most cultural traits are carried down and become traditions which are reflected in stories such as epics. The Anglo-Saxons encompassed a people group consumed by fighting and war. Often times the epics and traditional stories passed down are centered around battles where the hero represents strong leadership characteristics. The story of Beowulf was commonly used as a story to teach upcoming leaders powerful ways to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What does it mean to learn Free Essays

Needless to say, learning is the most fundamental part of our daily experience. From the time we are born, we are learning how to walk, owe to talk, different emotions, and so on. The study of how learning occurs is part of educational psychology, neurophysiology, learning theory and pedagogy. We will write a custom essay sample on What does it mean to learn or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pedagogy is the science and art of education: it is the study and practice Of how best to teach. The benefits Of learning is the ability to develop natural abilities such as learning from one’s past mistakes, creativity ways of thinking, and increased brain power. Our mind is our most powerful weapon; it helps us adapt to change, makes social groups, and establishes valuable relationships. It also helps us establish lines of daily communication. Learning efferent languages impacts our attitudes and correlates to academic achievements. As a person our main focus is achieving a better sense of self, learning leads to this self-fulfillment. It will keep your mind and memory sharp, increases confident, offers inexpensive ways to try something new, feeling of accomplishments, and even offers opportunities to learn new skills and trades to increase income. We do not learn just by being taught during class or lecture, we learn by continuously being shown something throughout our lives. Whether it is in science class or behaviors taught by our parents, we learn about what is right r wrong, increased advantages from language studies, and ability to take care of one’s self. What is it to learn? Learning is not the same for everyone. Although we are taught mostly the same things, how to eat, how to read, we progress in different ways. Therefore, learning encourages us to form personalities. It gives us stability in repetitive activities. The best thing for being sad,† replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, â€Å"is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, oh may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then -? to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn. † White, The Once and Future King Learning is by far the best gift in this world. It provides us with more than just basic knowledge. It gives us meaning to the very questions we ask ourselves. How to cite What does it mean to learn, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Cherokee Indian Journal Entry free essay sample

My people are being forced off of our territory by United States troops. We the Cherokee Indians live in a peaceful manner. When the Indian Removal Act was forcing us to move off of our territory we were outraged yet we handled it in a mature manner, a lawsuit. We were even victorious, yet they still force us off of our land. The Americans show a lot Of bias and prejudice. There is no liberty and justice for Few of our tribe were able to escape to the mountains of North Carolina.Thou ugh I dont believe that if I had the chance I would escape. My life would not be complete without my family. Though I am very much against the reason we must move west maybe this journey will bring our family together. Sunday, November 22nd 1 838 am so sorry my dear journal, have forgotten about you. I have been so bus y walking that it slipped my mind to write. We will write a custom essay sample on Cherokee Indian Journal Entry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This journey is so depressing and exhausting. Many can not withstand the tee enrapture. Am in disarray because my grandmother has fallen into the ultimate slumber r.She has taught me so much about life, yet she is no longer here to live hers. I will make sure to pray for the rest of my family to make sure they awake each morning. Monday, December 17th 1838 It seems that when we slept a large amount of snow had fallen. Many of my ski ND are now with my grandmother including my baby sister Kayak. We believe that Aka yah had died from malnutrition and/ or harsh weather, though there is a possibility that she had a disease of some sort. Most people that have died on this journey have died from those c sees.My mother and I are very upset about Kayaks death because she was a helpless child, an d she hadnt lived her life to the fullest. I believe there is a scar in my mothers heart, I real y dont believe she will ever recover from that wound. These weather conditions make me feel so fatigued and frozen. It is extremely y difficult to march through several inches of cold crystals, though that is what we must March 1839 It is so that today my family and can blissfully relax after our journey of 2,20 0 miles.It is very depressing to look back upon this journey. First the Americans willingly force us off of our land. Then we walk for such a long period that is filled with lots of heartache Approximately 4,500 Cherokee Indians did not survive this journey. Lastly we reach our destination. Do not believe this journey has brought my family closer together, this may b because I have lost many that were very close to me along the way. Though n owe hopefully my people and I will live in peace for the rest of our lives.